Ch 9. What Now?


It has never been easier to earn an income online. Whether it's to clear your debts, or to take your family away on a special holiday, or to replace an ageing car. Whatever the reason, the answer is just a mouse click away.

But there is one serious obstacle. The most common obstacle of all. Trust! And not without good cause.

Scammers and hucksters swarm the internet (just as they do every other part of the world). If, even for a moment, you think about entering it you are immediately deluged with promises of instant millions. Every minute of every day, thousands of people are sucked in by the hype. No wonder the failure rate is so high. No wonder the rest of us distrust the promises, and walk away from the table still hungry.

But there is food on the table. You just need a proper plan and a proper execution. For many people, this is totally beyond their comprehension and utterly impossible. It is often said, and rightly so, "Fail to plan is plan to fail". It is purely a matter of choice whether you plan, or don't. No-one can do it for you. No-one can make you do it. No-one else is responsible for your decisions. It's your life. Do what you want with it. 

Internet Marketing makes money. When it's done right. Planned thoughtfully. Executed proficiently.

It can be done. At any time. From any place. By any person. In odd moments.

But not without effort.

It needs no effort to click a mouse. That is truly effortless, and anyone can do it. The trick is knowing what to click, and when to click it. It is the "knowing" that requires the effort. Lots of it.

That's what this article is about. Skill. Judgement. Know-how. I've already highlighted two programs that major in training. They are "SFI" and "T E Profits". Both are free to join. Both can be built with very liitle financial investment. Both are hugely successful, but both will fail you if you fail to learn.

Take all the time you need, to learn what you need to do. There's no rush. The internet will be here for a while. Think about a river that's been around for centuries and is full of fish. The river will still be there, so will the fish, while you take a few hours or days to make a rod or a net and learn how to use it. But if you jump in the river and try to grab the fish with your hands as they go by? What do you think will happen? What would you be thinking if you were sitting on the river bank watching someone else doing that? The word is probably "Plonker!". While you carry on making your rod, and testing it out.


Many people are "busy". But "busy" is not the same thing as "making progress". My first action is always this "If what you are doing is not working STOP DOING IT."

Consider these thoughts:-

1. You are being flooded by an overflowing bath, and are charging around with a mop and bucket. STOP!. Stop with the mop and bucket. Leave the flood. Go turn off the tap.

2. You are cutting logs with a blunt axe. It takes more and more sweat to produce a log. STOP!. Stop with the blunt axe. Leave the wood. Go sharpen the axe.

3. When a castle is under attack, the Captain of the attacking team has to ensure that the ladder is placed securely against the wall. That the ladder climbers have the right weapons. That supplies of food and drink and toilets are available. But it is the General, back at headquarters, who ensures that the attack is made on the correct wall of the correct castle.

4. It is a brave man who walks away from battling the raging forest fire to THINK about HOW to fight the raging forest fire. But HE is the one who ensures that the fire is actually put out.

Do you see the common thread? Re-read the title of this paragraph. Is it "Act! Right now!", or is it "Act right, now." And the "now" is not "immediately" but "now that you know how to set about it".

For me, one of the greatest accolades I received from my employers was that I always did "the right thing, in the right way, at the right time".

Remember the saying "Fools rush in". Internet Marketing is not suited to those inclined to go off half cocked. Same as any home based business. Or any business. You need to know what you are trying to achieve. And have a plan to get there, step by step. Then (and only then) take the steps.


Investigate. Ask questions Questions like ... Could it work? Does it work? How does it work? Even if it works for someone else, would it work for me? How would I make it work for me? What timescales are involved? To grow a fruit tree you need a period of planting, feeding, nurturing, before you can pick and eat apples. Maybe 3 years? A business is the same. What is your investment period? How much will be needed before it begins to pay back? How long before you can live off the proceeds?

And DO NOTHING until you have the answers.


One of the key teachings of Covey (and blindingly obvious to anyone who has undertaken any journey) is "define the destination before you begin the journey". If you don't know where you're trying to get to, the chances are you won't get there. Begin with the end. Only then can you define the steps needed to get you there, from where you currently are.

If you click the banner below I will send you a lengthy and detailed report on how to set about building a worldwide business from your front room. There is no charge for it, and a video training course is included (also at no charge). You can read it, think about it. Throw it in the trash. Whatever. No-one is going to hassle you to do anything you don't want to do. This business is for people who think first and act later. You will be successful only if you enjoy doing what you do.

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