Ch 8. Let's Get Practical!

OK, let's find something more concrete to talk about. Here are some areas that I have personally explored and know that they each have something special to offer. I'm also happy that
a) they are genuine
b) they are either completely free to join, or they do not require more than £15 ($25)
c) they have proper detailed training programs, at no charge

Just as English is "the language of the internet", so the dollar is "the currency of the internet". By "English" I mean the American version, of course. So expect to see things like "check" rather than "cheque", and "color" instead of "colour". That's just the way it is.

It may look like America is the home of all internet income home earning programs, and many are, indeed, located and managed from there. The actual hardware and staffing can be anywhere in the world, with China, India and the Philippines ranking high in the pecking order.  None of that is a cause for concern with any program you find on these pages.

So what's so special about the following programs?  I'll start with ZNZ (which stands for Zero-Nada-Zilch) run by Kevin Wilke


I don't have a pretty banner for it, so here's a good old fashioned link for you to click:- Zero-Nada-Zilch by Kevin Wilke.

Kevin's program was the first real "no-cost system" I came across (having explored, and rejected, many claiming to be such).  Kevin's instructions were very detailed, very clear, very easy to follow. Even when I stopped promoting ZNZ (only because I found something that suited me better), I continued using many of the tools and processes I picked up from him (and for which he still earns from my activity).  I still go back to ZNZ from time to time, because the learning library is that good. It is certainly not a bad place to start.

It works by promoting products from Fortune 500 companies.  Because they are "promotions" they are constantly changing, so there's no point in me telling you who or what they are 'cos something different will be there when you come to look. Suffice to say, there are usually about 40 or them at any given time and you'll recognise all of them as High Street names and from the TV. The promotion method, though, remains constant, and Kevin's explanations are superb.

The only downside, if there is one, is that extra dimensions get added and it's easy to get distracted from the core business.  And some of those extras have their own extras hanging off them.  You can end up in something of a maze.  And the autoresponder hailstorm is annoying, so get yourself a throwaway email address (I've listed a couple at the end of this page).


Next up is SFI Marketing Group.  Founded by Gery Carson, it is one of the oldest and most successful Home Internet Income Businesses in existence.  A solid product base (103,000 at the last count) and several hundred thousand affiliates in about 200 countries worldwide.

Entirely without cost.  Entirely possible to make a living without spending.  However, anyone attempting to go into marketing of any kind, with a zero marketing budget, is going to have to put in a heck of a lot of work.  It certainly can be done, but I wouldn't want to do it.

With a marketing budget of  $25 (£15) a month, for the first few months, you enter a whole different league.

The real joy of this company, though, is the training and the camaraderie.  The training is pretty much idiot proof, starting at a very basic level and moving up a step at a time.  Despite the vast resource library, the motto is "SFI is simple - so stop making it complicated". Included in your free membership is a superb downline management system (this would cost you hundreds elsewhere) and a built-in mailer (equally costly elsewhere).  The overall marketing package is without equal as far as I can tell.

A major revenue stream for SFI is the PriceBender PennyAuction. Somewhat similar to MadBid it is hugely popular. What matters to me, as an affiliate, is that all profits from the auction go into the company profit pool.  That pool is shared among all the affiliates except the lowest (free) level.  So it is well worth the cost of the upgrade.

There is also a fiercely active forum, where everyone tries to outdo each other in the "helpfulness" stakes.  No question is too dumb to ask, even if you're the hundredth person to ask it.  And a whole host of badges to collect by way of amusement and an element of good-natured competition.  I'm tempted to call it "a real family atmosphere", but I know so many dysfunctional families that the comparison could backfire.

To be perfectly honest, join. If only for the training, and the experience.  It's all free.  If you don't use any of it in SFI itself, you surely will in any other Internet Marketing arena you decide to go into.  Or any other kind of marketing, for that matter.

And there is no autoresponder storm.  SFI is not big on impersonal interaction. You'll get, maybe, a weekly update from your sponsor.


Yes, I know, you're asking "What is it with these 3-letter acronyms?".  I agree.  But they are everywhere, so we just have to live with it.. GDI is one of the forerunners of the new wave of Internet Domains now that we are running out of ".com" "", ".net" etc.  Theirs is ".ws" and (for the moment) it's easy to pick up really splendid names.  I have two "" and "". You can set the domain to point wherever suits you. If you click on either of the above you'll find where they currently point, according to the promotion I'm running at any given moment.  If you have nowhere to point your domain, don't worry.  GDI have several "on-board" promotion sites that you can use for no extra cost.

All domains come with a superb email package, lots of training, splendid marketing support, and much more.


My final review today is my favourite, that's why I've saved it for last.  It's TE Profits. Why favourite?  Because it's Traffic Exchanges - the heart and soul of Internet Marketing - where the whole world comes together to trade. And TE Profits, particularly, has a unique marketing method.  Well, that's a lie.

Every kind of marketing, except internet marketing, understands and uses the concept of the Sales Funnel.  It's a tried and trusted methodology.  Sales people sometimes call it "the Pipeline" but the concept is the same.

Why don't internet marketers use it? Who knows.  Possibly because of the flood of home businesses being setup, attracted to internet marketing but with no marketing knowledge of any kind, so they don't know about sales funnels.

Whatever the reason, it's sadly lacking and probably accounts for the huge number of  home business failures. It's refreshing to see someone, like TEP, put it back at the top of the agenda, and bring internet marketing into line with true market behaviour.  The funnel is everything. Get the guide, it's free.

Interestingly, TEP is the only program I've come across that sets a target income, and works out the path to achieving it.  That target is $20/hr (£12/hr).  There's no specific reason for this particular number, but I find it much more sensible than the silly figures often thrown around, yet also worth going and getting.


As I've mentioned previously mentioned, before you throw yourself into this exciting and interesting world, get yourself a couple of "special" email addresses.  At least two, separate from your normal social email. One you use for "proper" business. The other you use for "potential junk".

The obvious one, for most people, is gmail.  You can have as many of these as you like (I have 3), but it can get ratty if it sees a flood of what it decides is Spam.  I also use gmx mail (sorry, can't find a banner for it) and VIB (ViralInBox).

Quite frankly I am rapidly coming round to using ViralInBox for everything.  It has a unique feature in that you can make up an address on the fly, and ViB will sort out what you meant to do.  It also has a built-in mailer (aka safelist - explained later on) so you can market to their member base.  I've even redirected my other email systems to send direct to ViB, so I can process it there.


Well, maybe not a conclusion.  I might find more to say as time goes by.  But it's been fun putting this together, and I hope you've found it useful.  I will read all comments, and respond whenever I can. All knowledge is worth having.

If anyone wants to add information about Splash Pages and Capture Pages, or any other useful stuff, please go ahead.

My final word is this. Think carefully. No-one is successful overnight. It takes many months of hard work to build a business of any kind. Internet Marketing is no different. Yes, there's big money to be made, but that takes many years of solid planning and razor sharp execution. Allow at least 6 months, and make sure you have a budget to carry you through that, and a bit longer. And be learning something new every day of that time.

If you want to create an income from a successful Home Business, and Internet Marketing is something you want to do and would enjoy, then you will learn a huge amount from any of the programs on this page.  My guidance on ranking would be:-

1st place - TEP because of it's huge marketplace and proper funneling. Do not join any traffic exchange without first joining TEP because they have cut-price deals on all of them.

2nd place - SFI because of the structured training and interactive forum. And the superb support.

3rd place - ZNZ because of its library

You can add GDI to any of these (and it comes with ZNZ anyway).

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