Ch 7. Want To Try It Out?

Where to start?

There are a zillion places you can start to build your home based internet income business. And I can suggest several. But I won't.

Firstly because you need to be doing your own research. Secondly because the market is always changing and there is always something new coming along. Thirdly, whatever it is you choose to do, it has to be something you enjoy doing. Life's too short to spend it in drudgery, hating every minute. Been there, got the T-shirt. Stuff that.

What I am going to say is this. The trick to marketing is simple. Find something people want, and get it for them. Life doesn't come any simpler than that, does it?

With that in mind, there is one marketplace that is BULGING with people looking for something to buy and BULGING with people looking to sell something. For a marketer, that's paradise. I'll tell you where it is in a moment. First there's something to consider.

Let's say you are selling carrots. You set up a stall in a farmers' market. You will be able to sell carrots to someone who wants to buy carrots. Obviously. But you could also sell carrots to someone who is selling peas. You could cut a deal with them - you sell my carrots and I'll sell your peas. That's a pretty close approximation of Affiliate Marketing. You are his affiliate. He is yours.

What you can't do is sell carrots to someone who wants to buy horses. Yeah! I know. B****y obvious, isn't it? But, you know what? I see it every day. I've had endless phone calls from people trying to get me to buy a conservatory. I live in a hi-rise. Where the f**k am I going to put a conservatory?

What you need to do is decide who is likely to want to buy what you are selling. Then go to where they are and make your product blindingly obvious. You'll need to do very little else. More on that in a moment.

Meanwhile, one other thing. You will need to spend money. No good turning up with a sign saying "give me money for carrots, then I can go get them for you". I'll let you decide what their answer will be. No, you need to spend some money on carrots (then some on the stall, then some on weighing scales, and a till, and ...). Get the drift? Now you can begin to make a little, pay off the investment costs, begin to make profit, then you can start to think about the luxuries, the house, the holidays, the retirement, whatever it is that makes some sense - to you - of life and living.

As a rough and ready guide, if you are prepared to stump up £50 a month for 6 or 7 months, to get your business off the ground, then you really can be making £30,000 - £40,000 a year, part-time in just a few years with some hard graft in the early months. Revisit Ch 2 on compounding before you make a decision.

The Ideal Marketplace

OK. The marketplace I mentioned. The place I spend my time and effort because it is so rewarding. It's called a Traffic Exchange. People with businesses go there to advertise. People without businesses go there to find a business. People looking to spend and make money. There are hundreds of them all over the world, all accessible from any old computer, anywhere. Shanty town in middle Africa? Luxury yacht mid Atlantic? Hi-rise in a slum? Anywhere.

At the foot of every page of this blog is a banner which links you to my Internet Income Training Course. It's about Traffic Exchange Marketing. The course itself is free. It tells you everything you need to know about making a living from Internet Marketing, and explains how you can get started - for free - that means PAY NO MONEY OUT.

However, as with everything in life, things work out better if you can afford to pay someone to do the jobs you can't (or won't) do. So my recommendation is to pay the £25 ($37) for the Turnkey "Already Setup For You" version. It will save you several months' work. You don't need to. It's entirely up to you. And you won't be paying me, so I don't get anything out of it. You really can do it for NO MONEY DOWN. I just wouldn't. £25 to start earning today? Who wouldn't? But it really is your choice.

If you decide to go into it, remember the rules - The people looking for a business? Tell them about a business they could have. The people looking for ways to advertise the business they already have? Tell them about advertising. The people looking to sell a product? Tell them where the buyers are. Just don't try selling a business to someone who already has one, or advertising to someone selling advertising.

Don't worry about how you're going to be able to provide these services, the course has everything you need. It's entirely free, so just go browse it.

For the program to work you will need to sign up to various component parts. These are essential, but they are also free. When you sign up to them they will ALWAYS suggest that you "upgrade". Sometimes the upgrade is obviously beneficial and affordable. Sometimes it is beyond your budget. DO NOT UPGRADE unless you can see and afford the advantage. It is entirely possible to begin with the free version, make some money, then pay for the upgrade from that money. It is my recommendation that you follow the free route as a matter of course. Any deviation is a matter for you decide. At the end of the day, you want to be at the highest level possible, because that's the highest payout possible. But some of the upgrade fees are plainly daft. In my experience, saying "No" at least 3 times will always get you a far better deal.

And I am always just an email away.

Over the coming months I am going to be reviewing various home business opportunities that I come across. Once one business can be operated in a couple of hours there's no reason why you shouldn't add another.

Until then, make a start. Get the course. Have a think.  I can show the horse water, but it has to want to drink.  Get the course, you won't be disappointed.

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